Covid-19 Containment Strategies and Customer Engagement in Banking Sector in Rivers State: An Implication for Marketing


  • Chinedu Godswill Chukwu
  • Charles Tom Miyene


Containment Strategy, Physical Distancing, Nose Masking, Hand Sanitizing, Temperature Screening, Customer Engagement, Customer Commitment


The recent outbreak of COVID-19 present challenges in all aspects of humans’ endeavors particularly, the business sector. Firms were shut down and economic lives halted, consequently various containment measures were introduced which led to reopening of global economy. However, these measures were no operated without challenges which affect customer engagement in some industries particularly, the banking sector. This study investigates the relationship between covid-19 containment strategies and customer engagement in the banking sector in Rivers State. The study adopted quantitative research design using a survey method. A total of 372 subjects representing customers of commercial banks in Rivers state were surveyed through questionnaire administration. Four research questions were posed and eight hypotheses were tested. Data analysis was done using descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation while inferential statistics of Multiple Regression was used to test the stated hypotheses on SPSS version 25. Results from the Multiple Regression analysis reveal a very strong significant linear relationship between physical distancing, nose masking, hand sanitizing, temperature screening and customer engagement in the banking sector in Rivers state. The study therefore recommends that: the commercial banks in Rivers state should reduce physical presence by making online transactions more flexible for their customers; that the commercial banks in Rivers state should educate their customers on an effective usage of nose masks; that the commercial banks in Rivers state should warmly attend to customers by shifting attentions from the virus to customer satisfaction and that the commercial banks in Rivers state should install high temperature screening gadgets with the use of safer hand sanitizers to win customer’s confidence.




How to Cite

Chukwu, C. G., & Miyene, C. T. (2022). Covid-19 Containment Strategies and Customer Engagement in Banking Sector in Rivers State: An Implication for Marketing. Nigerian Academy of Management Journal, 17(1), 97–123. Retrieved from