Triple-Loop Organizational Learning and Workers’ Innovative Behaviour: A Response Mechanism for Pandemic Induced Work Disruptions


  • Soye Peniel Asawo
  • E. H. Ogbonda


Organizational Learning, Learning Organization, Innovation, Innovative Work Behaviour, Single-loop Learning, Double-loop Learning, Triple-loop Learning


This paper examined the relationship between the triple-loop organizational learning typology and worker’s innovative behaviour in a pandemic induced work disruption. The paper is a conceptual review paper, with the three components of theoretical review, conceptual review and empirical review undertaken to arrive at a deductive proposition thatwith the right learning context of an organization represented by the triple-loop learning model, organizational members’ innovative behaviour will be enhanced to boost organizational survival and success in the face of the disruption posed by the COVID-19 pandemic on work organizations.



How to Cite

Asawo, S. P., & Ogbonda, E. H. . (2022). Triple-Loop Organizational Learning and Workers’ Innovative Behaviour: A Response Mechanism for Pandemic Induced Work Disruptions. Nigerian Academy of Management Journal, 17(2), 1–12. Retrieved from