
  • Agu Okoro AGU
  • Ebere Rejoice Okocha
  • Kingsley Ndubuisi ANYANWU
  • Chima Anyanwu PASCHAL
  • Ben Uche Dickson
  • Goddey C. CHIKWE


Diversity Management Strategies, Diversity Recruitment, Corporate Culture, Diversity Training, Goal Attainment, Organizational Effectiveness


The study focuses on diversity management

strategies and the performance of Breweries

plants in South East Nigeria. The study sought to

determine the effect of diversity recruitment on

goal attainment in the breweries plants in

southeast Nigeria, ascertain the nature of the

relationship between corporate culture and

customer satisfaction in the breweries plants in

southeast Nigeria, and determine the influence of

diversity training on organizational effectiveness

in breweries plants in southeast Nigeria. The

study had a population size of 1528, out of which

a sample size of 431 was realized using Cochran

Formula at 5% error tolerance and 95% level of

confidence. The instrument used for data

collection was primarily a questionnaire. Out of

431 copies of the questionnaire that were

distributed, 401 copies were returned while 30

copies were not returned. The deceptive survey

research design was adopted for the study. The

hypotheses were tested using Person Product

Moment Correlation Coefficient and Simple

Linear Regression statistical tools. The findings

indicated that diversity recruitment significantly

affects goal attainment in brewery plants in

southeast Nigeria. (r 0. 801, t 26.695; p < 0.05).

There is a positive relationship between corporate

culture and customer satisfaction in brewery

plants in southeast Nigeria (r = 0.866). Diversity

training significantly influences organizational

effectiveness in brewery plants in southeast

Nigeria. (r = 0.861; t = 33.777; p < 0.05). The

study concluded that workforce diversity on

organizational performance is very critical for the

success of Breweries plants in South East,

Nigeria. The study recommended that Breweries

plants in Southeast Nigeria should always carry

out diversity training for their employees that will

help to rebuild their minds and behavior to see

every tribe as one that has one purpose to achieve




How to Cite

AGU, A. O., Okocha, E. R., ANYANWU, K. N., PASCHAL, C. A., Dickson , B. U., & CHIKWE , G. C. (2024). DIVERSITY MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES AND PERFORMANCE OF BREWERIES PLANTS IN SOUTH EAST NIGERIA. Nigerian Academy of Management Journal, 19(1), 22–38. Retrieved from https://namj.tamn-ng.org/index.php/home/article/view/365